Facebook Accounts King Ukraine | Aged 2+ month. Manual farm interests 21+ days | 2FA | [PVA] Verified by SMS and email. Number removed. Email is in set | Useragent, Cookies is in set | Photos for passing Selfies check and documents for passing ads ban included | Added 2 Fan-Pages, FP has many posts | Added 10 photos, 100-150 friends | Registered with UA IP

6 pcs
Price per 1 pcs 12.00 $


  • Facebook account registered with mobile Ukraine IP.
  • Verified by email, email is in the set.
  • [PVA] The accounts are verified by SMS. Number removed.
  • Photos and docks for passing checks included.
  • 2 Fan Page (FP) was created. FP has posts.
  • Very powerful external farm 21+ days + farmed interests. 100+ actions outside FB, a lot of ads in the feed.
  • Useragent and Cookies (Json) included.
  • The profile has 10+ pfotos.
  • Added 100-150 friends.
  • Table with data (2FA key for the Google Authificator extension, login, password from the account and login password from the mail)

We make replacements only if:

  1. The account flew to a phone check that cannot be passed.
  2. The account was banned in the first 2 hours.
  3. If your account crashed on a selfie and you didn't manage to pass it, we make a replacement.

We recommend logging in facebok account only with a cookies and Ukraine private IP proxies. otherwise there is noreplacements or refunds in this case.

Before buying, read our rules and recommendations.

To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.

- How can I use accounts with cookies: Cookies.