
To work with accounts with Cookies, it is advisable to use specialized software with functions for working with accounts with Cookies.

There are a lot of such options on the Internet, and after spending a little time searching you can choose what is best suited specifically for your needs.

We will post a small instruction on entering the account through the browser.

How to use accounts with cookies (BASE64 format):

base64 to json converter

If you want, you can just install this in your Chrome browser, it can load such cookies immediately, without decoding:

How to use accounts with cookies (JSON format):


To export cookies to the Chrome browser, you can use the Cookie-Editor extension:

Procedure after installing the extension:

- Before downloading cookies, you need to clear your entire browser history. This will increase your chances of not getting blocked on the site.

- Open the page and click on the extension to download cookies. Then click on Import.

- Open the account file, copy the data from the cookie (they always start with square brackets and end with them, the brackets need to be copied too. [Cookie]) and paste them into the window that opens.

- Cookies are loaded! Refresh the site page.

Useragent is a browser identifier string that is passed to the server when entering the site page.

The identifier contains information about the type of browser, the type of system on which this browser is running and the version of the browser. Useragent's example: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 89.0.4389.90 Safari / 537.36

Useragent is used by social. networks when composing a device fingerprint, therefore, various browsers with the functionality of changing the device fingerprint override this value for each new tab. If your purchased account includes Useragent, you should use it to reduce the likelihood of account blocking. The setup procedure may differ depending on the software you plan to use, but as a rule, the Useragent value is simply copied into the program settings field with the same name.

You can get examples of Useragents for different versions of browsers and systems using the chrome browser add-on, User-Agent Switcher and Manager. Attention, changing the Useragent value is only part of the work to ensure the secure use of accounts, it cannot be considered as a full-fledged device fingerprint change, which must be applied for each account separately.