Facebook Accounts USA | Farm 14+ days | 2FA частично | The accounts are verified by SMS and email. Number removed. Email is in set | Access token, Useragent and Cookies is in set | Added Fan-Page, avatar, cover, up to 20 Posts. Bio/hobbies filled in | Registered with USA IP

0 pcs
Price per 1 pcs 1.65 $


  • Accounts are registeredwith IP of USA.
  • Verified by email. Email is in set.
  • Verified by SMSNumber removed.
  • Added Fan-page on most accounts.
  • Farming 14+ days. Up to 12 farming sessions.
  • Up to 15-20 posts, run through sites, sign up for events, up to 5 comments on posts, up to 5 reposts, likes from the feed, 5-10 groups.
  • Avatar and cover added. Bio/Hobby filled in.
  • Access token (EAAB), Useragent, Cookies is in set.
  • 2FA is partially added. (There may be batches of accounts either completely with 2fa, completely without 2fa, or a mix. Depends on the stability of Facebook at the time of registration). Two-factor generation codes included.

We recommend logging in facebok account and email only with a Cookies and Ukraine private IP proxies. Otherwise, there will be an error with the password, although the password is correct. There are no replacements and refunds in this case.

Уou may have problems with dolphine. The store is not responsible for this.

To log into your account, you need to go to the site https://2fa.live/ and insert the code from the file there, after which you will be given a six-digit code at the end of your code and you insert it into Facebook and you're done.

In rare cases, several emails may be linked to an account; when requesting codes from emails not attached to the account, replacements and refunds are not made.

Format of accounts:

  • Login:Password_fb:Birthday:FB_ID:Useragent:Token:Email:Email_password:Cookies:2FA(if in set)

Before buying, read our rules and recommendations.

To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.

- How can I use accounts with cookies: Cookies.


Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID)

Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115

After you log in, there is no replacement.