Facebook Accounts King USA | 2FA | Manual farm + days (external and internal). Farm by interests. Ads in the feed | 3+ month aged. Login on the account every week | [PVA] Verified by SMS and email. Number removed. Email is in set | Access token and Cookies is in set | Profile is completely filled out. Added 40-300 friends | Registered with USA IP

23 pcs
Price per 1 pcs 10.50 $


  • Facebook account registered with mobile USA IP.
  • Verified by email, email is in the set.
  • [PVA] The accounts are verified by SMS. Number removed.
  • 3+ month aged. Login on the account every week.
  • Manual farming 30+ days. Subscriptions to groups, likes, posts, reposts and comments, correspondence, logging into games. There was activity outside of Facebook.
  • Farm interests. Advertising interests have been formed.
  • There is advertising in the feed - the account is considered live.
  • Profiles is completely filled out. Filled out information about place of study, work, residence and hobbies.
  • Added from 40 to 300 friends.
  • Access token and Cookies (Json) included.
  • The profile has avatar, photos.
  • Added 2FA authorization.

We recommend logging in facebok account only with a cookies and private IP proxies of country registration. otherwise there is noreplacements or refunds in this case.

Format of accounts:

  • Fb_ID:Login:Password:Email:Password::2FA:Access token:Cookies


Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID)

Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115

After you log in, there is no replacement.

- How can you use accounts with cookies: Cookie.

Before buying, read our rules and recommendations.

To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.